Saturday, December 13, 2008

Poetic Expressions

by Damian Williams

Life is a journey
Life is a test
Filled with misdirection
To survive, you must do your best.
Life is hard and life is rough
And sometimes your best just wont be enough.

On this island the crime rate is so absurdly high
That stepping on a toe may cause you to die.
Mothers are left to weep and cry
And then ask God why their loved one had to die.

The government is so damn corrupt
And it’s made clear when things stir up.
Our economy is so damn weak,
You make the all money your dad made in his lifetime in an American week.
Of course this was written in 2004
So this line isn’t really relevant anymore.
This island-paradise is fragile and unstable,
And in a way it resembles a new born in a cradle.

Hmmmn. It doesn’t look goodBut we’ll make it, one way or the other