Tuesday, September 12, 2017

Financial Link

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Monday, July 16, 2012

Heart Felt Poetry


This is Who I am and This is What it is

By: Angilou J. Gilzene

Have you ever been asked about your past…and was embarrassed to speak about it?

Am not ashamed of the girl I was 20 years ago, because it has helped to shape me into the woman I am today. I had to walk the path I walked to learn the things I did and now I look forward to the future that's filled with uncertainty ahead. Nevertheless, I will face it head on with hope and optimism; I will take on the challenges and overcome the fears. I will cry if I have to and laugh, for that I must! So if you see me struggling or going through some stuff, a word of courage will do from you, for I am being prepared for a future 20 years from now.

Our children are our future so nurture them now and the future will certainly be bright. In the face of adversities we stare, however let’s not be scared; hold on to the reigns of determination and hope. If we let go, then our children will not grow, if our children does not grow then our future will certainly be dealt a blow.

So let’s do it right and start them right!

So close yet so far

By: Angilou J. Gilzene

I stare at you while you’re asleep; for that’s the only time I get with you
The fear of you being awake just haunts me, as I would lose you right away
I hope you are dreaming of me and not that other girl
Although I see you everyday I never had you to myself.

Am I being selfish to feel this way? Is it wrong to need someone so much?
I don’t know…maybe, perhaps
I hear you breathe and smell the air, for that I long to feel
The closeness of your arms touch that gave me such a rush
Has left me for a while… will it return? I wonder, for I need it oh so much

So sleep on my love and dream of me I hope
but if you wake to see me there, just kiss me please!
I beg of you…

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Why do I teach

Many persons may wonder,
"Why do teachers teach?"
And often they may ponder,
"Isn't wealth beyond their reach?"

I have asked myself that question,
As I look at my paycheck and lament.
Have I, despite my good intentions,
All my abilities and talent misspent?

They say we build the nation,
With each young mind we fill.
Yet when I'm at the service station,
Why must I carefully monitor the bill?

As teachers we're like miners,
Finding diamonds in the rough.
Helping diamonds to be fine diners,
While enduring a life that is tough.

Yet I understand why I continue,
To give knowledge and advice,
There's no greater feeling than to add value,
And to influence change in someone's life.

But teachers should shirk their inaction,
And start to really value their worth,
To expect and demand compensation,
While they're still alive on earth.

For if we continue to daily accept,
Verbal praise and monetary disdain,
Our hardships we must not regret,
For we have none but ourselves to blame

Done by Marvin Williams

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Stories Galore

Life's Path
by Marvin Williams

The putrid scent invaded my nostrils as I lost the fight to keep inside the remnants of the meal consumed six hours ago. I could perceive no light and the pitch darkness weighed heavily on my spirit and my senses. My ribs strained under the incessant beating of my heart. I was enveloped in so much pain that I could no longer tell where I was free from hurt.

It was hard to imagine that an hour ago I was pleading for my life. The beatings were a distant memory, the self-preservation instinct reduced to a mere murmur. It was hard to imagine that I had once smiled, laughed with friends, and felt joy and love. Only one feeling remained; the longing for peace.

“Kill me now, please.”

To read the full story click here.

Saturday, December 13, 2008

Poetic Expressions

by Damian Williams

Life is a journey
Life is a test
Filled with misdirection
To survive, you must do your best.
Life is hard and life is rough
And sometimes your best just wont be enough.

On this island the crime rate is so absurdly high
That stepping on a toe may cause you to die.
Mothers are left to weep and cry
And then ask God why their loved one had to die.

The government is so damn corrupt
And it’s made clear when things stir up.
Our economy is so damn weak,
You make the all money your dad made in his lifetime in an American week.
Of course this was written in 2004
So this line isn’t really relevant anymore.
This island-paradise is fragile and unstable,
And in a way it resembles a new born in a cradle.

Hmmmn. It doesn’t look goodBut we’ll make it, one way or the other

Friday, October 31, 2008

Picture Writing(Black Woman and Child)

The learners were asked to write a paragraph surrounding the photograph shown above. Below are some of their efforts.

Note:The texts have been edited to correct grammatical errors. If you see any post me a comment

By Manifa McLean (Electrical Maintenance)

She cried deep down inside hugging her priceless treasure. Begging to be free of hunger, she stands helplessly and hopelessly on the busy sidewalk. In torn and worn clothes, her voice faded and shaking as a leaf on a limb, she made her gestures with hope in mind.
“Lady, lady mi a beg yuh $50 fi buy food fi me an mi baby”. She stood there wanting help to come her way but nothing and no one came through for her.

Black Woman And Child
By Quewayne Jones (Electrical Maintenance)

Her beautiful face, full of smiles and cheerfulness, is usually what is seen first when you encounter her. However today her smile is upside down and her usually sparkling eyes are now teary. Her baby is sick and the treatment is expensive. She cries because she doesn’t know what to do. She went to the health center and told the doctor her story but he had no sympathy for this black woman and child. As her tears run down her face and her baby lay in her arms, she hopes that mother nature will intervene and bring her baby back to good health.
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